Thursday, January 5, 2012


Somebody is now bugging me and wants to use the software.  That Is Good.  Also, a new release is scheduled for the end of the month, and will include a bunch of updates that make the community oriented version much nicer.  Even Better.

Oh, and our own primary installations are running on Lighttpd and PHP 5.3.  Still some old Apache in there, and it will always be supported, but the Lighttpd is great for Click.  PHP 5.3 will likely become a requirement if it isn't already (it is in the dev version).  Upgrade your PHP, it's good for everybody.

I also had a high level request about a project later this year that's doing some neat work that is ideal for Click: quasi-wiki related, but not text.  The ability to add custom relational databases (as in "storing relations between entries", not "SQL-ish relational"1) will be perfect for them.

Honestly, as I'm the only real user of Click, having other people use it will make it much more robust for all other use cases.  I'm quite happy where things are going.

1 - Okay, technically, they are stored *in* a relational database, so they are relational both ways.